10 research outputs found

    Spatial Identification Methods and Systems for RFID Tags

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    Disertační práce je zaměřena na metody a systémy pro měření vzdálenosti a lokalizaci RFID tagů pracujících v pásmu UHF. Úvod je věnován popisu současného stavu vědeckého poznání v oblasti RFID prostorové identifikace a stručnému shrnutí problematiky modelování a návrhu prototypů těchto systémů. Po specifikaci cílů disertace pokračuje práce popisem teorie modelování degenerovaného kanálu pro RFID komunikaci. Detailně jsou rozebrány metody měření vzdálenosti a odhadu směru příchodu signálu založené na zpracování fázové informace. Pro účely lokalizace je navrženo několik scénářů rozmístění antén. Modely degenerovaného kanálu jsou simulovány v systému MATLAB. Významná část této práce je věnována konceptu softwarově definovaného rádia (SDR) a specifikům jeho adaptace na UHF RFID, která využití běžných SDR systémů značně omezují. Diskutována je zejména problematika průniku nosné vysílače do přijímací cesty a požadavky na signál lokálního oscilátoru používaný pro směšování. Prezentovány jsou tři vyvinuté prototypy: experimentální dotazovač EXIN-1, měřicí systém založený na platformě Ettus USRP a anténní přepínací matice pro emulaci SIMO systému. Závěrečná část je zaměřena na testování a zhodnocení popisovaných lokalizačních technik, založených na měření komplexní přenosové funkce RFID kanálu. Popisuje úzkopásmové/širokopásmové měření vzdálenosti a metody odhadu směru signálu. Oba navržené scénáře rozmístění antén jsou v závěru ověřeny lokalizačním měřením v reálných podmínkách.The doctoral thesis is focused on methods and systems for ranging and localization of RFID tags operating in the UHF band. It begins with a description of the state of the art in the field of RFID positioning with short extension to the area of modeling and prototyping of such systems. After a brief specification of dissertation objectives, the thesis overviews the theory of degenerate channel modeling for RFID communication. Details are given about phase-based ranging and direction of arrival finding methods. Several antenna placement scenarios are proposed for localization purposes. The degenerate channel models are simulated in MATLAB. A significant part of the thesis is devoted to software defined radio (SDR) concept and its adaptation for UHF RFID operation, as it has its specialties which make the usage of standard SDR test equipment very disputable. Transmit carrier leakage into receiver path and requirements on local oscillator signals for mixing are discussed. The development of three experimental prototypes is also presented there: experimental interrogator EXIN-1, measurement system based on Ettus USRP platform, and antenna switching matrix for an emulation of SIMO system. The final part is focused on testing and evaluation of described positioning techniques based on complex backscatter channel transfer function measurement. Both narrowband/wideband ranging and direction of arrival methods are validated. Finally, both proposed antenna placement scenarios are evaluated with real-world measurements.

    Microprocessor control unit with frequency synthesizer for SW radiostation

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    Práce je zaměřena na vývoj bloků amatérské krátkovlnné radiostanice. V úvodu popisuje základní požadované funkce, vlastnosti a parametry. Je uveden kmitočtový plán radioamatérských pásem včetně druhů provozu. V druhé části dokumentu je navržen systém kmitočtové syntézy radiostanice. Využívá se metody přímé číslicové syntézy (DDS) a moderních obvodů firmy Analog Devices. Navržený DDS modul obsahuje i zdroj hodinového kmitočtu. Následuje popis bloku mezifrekvenčního zesilovače s demodulátorem. Poslední část je věnována návrhu ovládacího panelu radiostanice s grafickým displejem, klávesnicí a rotačním enkodérem. Podrobně je popsán firmware pro mikrokontrolér ATmega128, který řídí činnost celého systému.The thesis is focused on the development of a radioamateur short-wave transceiver. The basic functions, features and parameters are described in the introduction. The bandplan and appropriate types of emission are also included in the introductory part. The frequency synthesis module is discussed in the second part of the document. Emphasis is placed on the direct digital synthesis method (DDS) using modern Analog Devices circuits. The proposed DDS module includes a high-speed clock source. The description of an intermediate frequency module with a demodulator is also placed there. The final part in devoted to the design of a transceiver control panel with a graphical display, a keyboard and a rotary encoder. The firmware for an ATmega128 microcontroller is described in detail at the end of the thesis.

    Insights into the Issue of Deploying a Private LoRaWAN

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    The last decade has transformed wireless access technologies and crystallized a new direction for the internet of things (IoT). The modern low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) technologies have been introduced to deliver connectivity for billions of devices while keeping the costs and consumption low, and the range of communication high. While the 5G (fifth generation mobile network) LPWAN-like radio technologies, namely NB-IoT (narrowband internet of things) and LTE-M (long-term evolution machine type communication) are emerging, the long-range wide-area network (LoRaWAN) remains extremely popular. One unique feature of this technology, which distinguishes it from the competitors, is the possibility of supporting both public and private network deployments. In this paper we focus on this aspect and deliver original results comparing the performance of the private and public LoRAWAN deployment options; these results should help understand the LoRaWAN technology and give a clear overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the private versus public approaches. Notably, we carry the comparison along the three dimensions: the communication performance, the security, and the cost analysis. The presented results illustratively demonstrate the differences of the two deployment approaches, and thus can support selection of the most efficient deployment option for a target application

    GRBAlpha: the smallest astrophysical space observatory -- Part 1: Detector design, system description and satellite operations

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    Aims. Since launched on 2021 March 22, the 1U-sized CubeSat GRBAlpha operates and collects scientific data on high-energy transients, making it the smallest astrophysical space observatory to date. GRBAlpha is an in-obit demonstration of a gamma-ray burst (GRB) detector concept suitably small to fit into a standard 1U volume. As it was demonstrated in a companion paper, GRBAlpha adds significant value to the scientific community with accurate characterization of bright GRBs, including the recent outstanding event of GRB 221009A. Methods. The GRB detector is a 75x75x5 mm CsI(Tl) scintillator wrapped in a reflective foil (ESR) read out by an array of SiPM detectors, multi-pixel photon counters by Hamamatsu, driven by two separate, redundant units. To further protect the scintillator block from sunlight and protect the SiPM detectors from particle radiation, we apply a multi-layer structure of Tedlar wrapping, anodized aluminium casing and a lead-alloy shielding on one edge of the assembly. The setup allows observations of gamma radiation within the energy range of 70-890 keV with an energy resolution of ~30%. Results. Here, we summarize the system design of the GRBAlpha mission, including the electronics and software components of the detector, some aspects of the platform as well as the current way of semi-autonomous operations. In addition, details are given about the raw data products and telemetry in order to encourage the community for expansion of the receiver network for our initiatives with GRBAlpha and related experiments.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 9 pages, 10 figure

    CubeSat Demonstrator for Educational Purposes

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    This paper describes the design of a CubeSat with a 1U (10x10x10 cm) size, which will be used in laboratory tasks. It includes six photovoltaic cells, mounted on the top of its mechanical construction. Cells will produce electricity to power all systems and to charge the onboard NiMH batteries to make the CubeSat independent of other sources of energy. The proposed design of an onboard computer combined with a communication system and an electrical power supply system is based on off the shelf components. Modularity, possible future expandability, and easy repair in case of any failure were the key optimization parameters of the design

    Implementace systému založeného na principu ekvivalentní teploty jako část HVAC jednotky

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    Thermal comfort evaluation based on the Comfort zone diagram is relatively new and promising method [1] developed by Hkan O. Nilsson [2]. The method was developed mainly for non uniform indoor environments [3] such as vehicle cabins [4]. Mean thermal vote (MTV) is correlated with equivalent temperature, which is typically measured by a thermal manikin with clothing or by a sensor with heated surface. This fact is the advantage of this method because prediction of thermal comfort is based on a measurable physical phenomenon which is called dry heat loss. The essence of this method inspired us to develop a measurement system that will be based on miniaturised and cost effective equivalent temperature sensors. Such sensors could be easily integrated into the surroundings of seated human and could provide data about local thermal comfort as feedback information for HVAC control unit. Our project, which started last year, is called Innovative control for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems, iHVAC.Vyhodnocení komfortu na základě diagramu Comfortních zón je relativně nový a slibný způsob [1] vyvinutý Hkana O. Nilsson [2]. Tato metoda byla vyvinuta hlavně pro nehomogenní vnitřní prostředí [3], jako jsou kabiny vozidla, [4]. Průměrný tepelný pocit (MTV), je ve vztahu s ekvivalentním teplotu, která se obvykle měří pomocí tepelné figuríny s oblečením nebo snímačem s vyhřívaným povrchem. Tato skutečnost je tu výhodu, protože predikce tepelné pohody je založen na měřitelné fyzikální jevu, který se nazývá suché tepelné ztráty. Podstatou této metody nás inspirovala vyvinout systém měření, který bude založena na zmenšených a nákladově efektivních senzorech ekvivalentní teploty. Tyto senzory lze snadno integrovat do okolí sedícího člověka a ty mohou poskytnout údaje o lokální tepelné pohodě jako zpětnovazební informace pro řízení HVAC jednotky. Náš projekt, který začal v loňském roce, se nazývá Inovativní řízení HVAC systému kabiny automobilu jako součást asistenčního systému řidiče

    GRBAlpha: The smallest astrophysical space observatory

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    Aims. Since it launched on 22 March 2021, the 1U-sized CubeSat GRBAlpha operates and collects scientific data on high-energy transients, making it the smallest astrophysical space observatory to date. GRBAlpha is an in-orbit demonstration of a gamma-ray burst (GRB) detector concept suitably small to fit into a standard 1U volume. As was demonstrated in a companion paper, GRBAlpha adds significant value to the scientific community with accurate characterization of bright GRBs, including the recent outstanding event of GRB 221009A. Methods. The GRB detector is a 75 × 75 × 5 mm CsI(Tl) scintillator wrapped in a reflective foil (ESR) read out by an array of SiPM detectors, multi-pixel photon counters by Hamamatsu, driven by two separate redundant units. To further protect the scintillator block from sunlight and protect the SiPM detectors from particle radiation, we applied a multi-layer structure of Tedlar wrapping, anodized aluminium casing, and a lead-alloy shielding on one edge of the assembly. The setup allows observations of gamma radiation within the energy range of 70–890 keV with an energy resolution of ~30%. Results. Here, we summarize the system design of the GRBAlpha mission, including the electronics and software components of the detector, some aspects of the platform, and the current semi-autonomous operations. In addition, details are given about the raw data products and telemetry in order to encourage the community to expand the receiver network for our initiatives with GRBAlpha and related experiments